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Many years in the ice-hockey business

Since 2009 there has not been a season without an ice-hockey event organised by us.

In 2023 we are excited to host our 4th WEEK-camp organised for motivated ice-hockey players, who want to get prepared for the next ice-hockey season, refresh or learn basic skills such as skating, puck-handling, shooting and passing, learn new skills or just meet new refreshing impulses and friendships in an environment, that just meets the highest standards.

We always put the accent on bringing the best possible coaches together to provide high-level service to the clients. All of them had played on the pro level and have been coaching for many years. This way the players have great teachers on and off the ice and we can exchange experiences to be able to get always better.

We hope to make the 2023 a GREAT one together with YOU!

Skates Service

Every player has to have 100% confidence in his skates, needs to fully rely on his edge in every single turn or crossover. With us you have a quarantee, that both edges will be always equalised, so your strides are the same efficient, both on the inside and outside edge. Moreover, we offer an individual radius-shaping of your blade.

Sharpening (new skates, goaltender's skates) · Radius shaping · Riveting · Eyelets · Blades and blade holders changing

Pick-up and Delivery Service upon request!


Jerseys und Socken, Trainingsausrüstung jeder Art, Kappen, Hauben, T-Shirts, Taschen und Rucksäcke

Schicken Sie uns Ihre Ideen und wir bereiten Ihnen ein Design vor.

Wir produzieren in Stückzahlen ab 1 Stk.

Designs, individuelle Namen und Nummern werden nicht extra verrechnet.



 Trainings Ausrüstung

In Zusammenarbeit mit Best4hockey bieten wir unterschiedliche Off-ice Trainingsgeräte und -ausrüstung an.

Tore · Netze · Stocktechnik Hilfen · Pucks · Bälle · Schießplatten · Slide Boards · Passgeräte · Gewichte

Wir können ein komplettes Trainingszentrum entsprechend Ihren Wünschen und Bedürfnissen aufzubauen. Dies inkludiert auch Netze, Banden, Trainingsgeräte, aber auch Kunsteis und Spezielle Tafeln für Schießen und Stocktechnik.

Gerne präsentieren wir Ihrem Team eine praktische Demonstation unsere Produkte – sowohl am als auch off ice.



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